The More Than ERP Framework
Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) therapy is considered the gold standard for treating obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). ERP therapy involves exposing the patient to the source of their anxiety or fear and then preventing them from engaging in their usual compulsive behavior in response to that anxiety or fear.
Our founder, Brad, who had OCD himself considers ERP to be what saved his life. But, throughout his ten years of using ERP to treat clients with OCD, he discovered the generalized approach of traditional ERP was not enough for many of his clients. Because of this experience, he created the More Than ERP framework. Our More Than ERP framework acknowledges that one size does not fit all; Therefore, it uses traditional ERP as the backbone of treatment but it goes beyond traditional ERP and incorporates over 40 additional tools and strategies that Brad created to help our clients reach recovery faster and remain in recovery longer.